Case study

Hitch Case Study

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Data Analytics Case Study

As Hitch’s team aims to be the most affordable long-distance car-sharing service in the market, they pride themselves on having a superior command of their ride data for ride optimization. The team felt they needed to incorporate even more data-driven decisions into their daily operations across all teams.

This case study explains how Hitch was able to achieve this with Ikigai. Specifically:

  • how everyone in the organization became empowered to pull data without SQL skills;
  • how the team has achieved 3X faster turnaround of data analytics.

"With Ikigai, we became even more data-driven. Now each person on the team is able to get the insights they need to improve their specific metrics, without any help from engineering."

- Tanuj Girish, Hitch CTO and Co-Founder

Read this case study to learn how Hitch, a ride-sharing app, uses Ikigai to empower all teams to be data-driven while freeing up engineering resources.

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